Профессионально-личностная готовность педагога к работе с детьми с ограниченными возможностями здоровья
Professional and personal readiness of the teacher to work with disabled children
The article deals with the problem of training teachers of educational establishments to work with disabled children. Thus, the training of teachers of educational institutions for the realization of inclusive education is mainly aimed to the formation of knowledge about the characteristics of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and their taking into account in the pedagogical process. At the same time, less attention is paid to the professional and personal readiness of the teacher to work with disabled children. The article presents the conditions for the formation of professional and personal readiness of the teacher to work with disabled children. The question of the content of professional and humanistic orientation of the personality of pedagogical workers is examined. The work is valuable because the system of professional and value orientations of the future teacher interprets in a new way.