Phraseological units, proverbs and sayings with a phytonym component in the English, German and Russian languages

Phraseological units, proverbs and sayings with a phytonym component in the English, German and Russian languages

  • Ибрагим Алиевич Курбанов Surgut State University
  • Нане Сосовна Саркисян Surgut State University
Keywords: culture, language, phytonym, cultural connotation, associative relations, phraseology, proverb, saying


This article deals with the analysis of English, German and Russian phraseological units, proverbs and sayings with a phytonym component. The subject of special attention is the study of cultural connotation of phraseological units, proverbs and sayings and the associative relations of phytonyms in the analyzed languages. The linguocultural analysis result has shown that some phytonym components have almost the same cultural connotation in English, German and Russian phraseological units, proverbs and sayings but still, there are some differences in connotation of the same phytonym components in these languages. Besides, some phytonyms demonstrate unusual cultural connotations typical to each of the three languages under study.

Author Biographies

Ибрагим Алиевич Курбанов, Surgut State University

Ph. D. in Philological Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Linguistics and Translation and Interpreting Studies

Нане Сосовна Саркисян, Surgut State University

Undergraduate student Linguistics/Translation and Interpreting Studies


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