The speech formation of preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria

The speech formation of preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria

  • Елена Александровна Калашникова Tyumen State University
  • Надежда Ивановна Отева Tyumen State University
Keywords: speech, speech formation, preschool age, dysarthria, pseudobulbar dysarthria


Preschool age has always been considered the most important period for the formation of speech, the development of its phonetic, lexical, and grammatical sides. According to statistics, every year, among preschoolers, about 7% of children have the problem of pseudobulbar dysarthria – speech pathology. Unfortunately, this problem is getting worse. Recently, there has been a definite trend towards an increase in the number of preschool children who have pseudobulbar dysarthria.

The symptoms and mechanisms of pseudobulbar dysarthria in special domestic and foreign literature are quite fully covered by such authors as O.A. Tokareva, R.E. Levina, E.F. Sobotovich, R.I. Martynova, M.V. Ippolitova, E.M. Mastyukova, L.V. Lopatina, N.V. Serebryakova, E.F. Arkhipova, L.V. Melekhova, O.V. Pravdina, A.R. Luria.

The authors focus on the study of speech in preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria.

The theoretical novelty. A qualitative and detailed analysis of speech disorders in preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria was performed. As a result of these experimental studies, the authors identified several groups of preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria, which differ in the features of speech: group 1 – children who have normal or slightly deviated speech; children with reduced speech activity, who have difficulties in building verbal structures, have difficulties in memorizing words; children with a low level of verbal activity, their memory is short, it is difficult to establish a link between words, they don't have enough knowledge about the world, vocabulary is very poor; children who have a pronounced underdevelopment of logical operations, their speech very incomprehensible to others, cognitive activity is very low [7].

The level of development of speech in preschool children with pseudobulbar dysarthria is characterized by the following features: they use simple constructions for conversation, their vocabulary is poor and passive, children do not have the skills of word formation, and make gross mistakes in the use of grammatical constructions [9].

Author Biographies

Елена Александровна Калашникова, Tyumen State University


Надежда Ивановна Отева, Tyumen State University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Age Physiology, Special and Inclusive Education, Postgraduate Student


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