Correlation of aggression indices of senior preschool children and their parents

Correlation of aggression indices of senior preschool children and their parents

  • Елена Анатольевна Быкова Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk
  • Светлана Владимировна Истомина Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk
Keywords: aggression, senior preschool children, parents, correlation of indices


The article presents the results of studying the correlation between aggression indices of senior preschool children and their parents. Aggression each sample of subjects is studied by applying two psychodiagnostic methods (methods of study of aggression by A. Bass and A. Darki the modification by A. K. Osickova, method by A. Assinger, methodology “unreal animal” by M. 3. Dukarevich, the questionnaire “Criteria of aggressiveness of the child” developed by G. V. Lavrentieva and T. M. Titarenko); qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data is carried out. The paper presents drawings of children using the “non-existent animal” method who are inclined and not inclined to aggression, as well as drawings of children whose parents have a high index of aggressive manifestations and hostility. The correlation analysis confirmed the researchers’ hypothesis that there is a strong relationship between the studied indices.

Author Biographies

Елена Анатольевна Быкова, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk

Ph. D. in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology

Светлана Владимировна Истомина, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk

Ph. D. in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology


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